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So it begins, this new world

Cathy McFarland

This blog comes to you from my new art studio! Much as I had day dreamed about it, I never thought I would actually end up renting my own space to create art in. Yet here I sit with a steaming cup of coffee from my new coffee machine (Mother's Day present), at my mum's old trestle table, hammering out my first blog in months to wax lyrical about finding myself in this heavenly position.

Truthfully I am here due to the worst circumstances. If you've read the About section on my website, you'll know I lost my mum recently. Having cared for her at home, and that being where she lost her fight, I found I could not work in the house anymore. My inheritance meant that I had a little money to use and this combination of things led me to find an empty office space near home and after a load of encouragement from my husband and my sons, here I am!

It has taken me a few visits to get everything moved in and its starting to feel a bit more cosy, but I still can't believe it. Of course, this is my first real day working in "my studio" ARGH, so it's bound to feel new.

There is an air of guilt about me. Like I am skiving off my real life and hiding here. Not helped I'm sure by the fact I have done little actual art. My time has been spent getting the website up to snuff. I should have been sorting some Etsy listings too, but the website too far longer than I anticipated. That will be tomorrow's job then. :)

I'm not avoiding my art. Far from it. I'm focusing on the admin stuff so I can get fully caught up before adding any more work to be scanned, edited and uploaded. I want to be clear in how I present and advertise my work. What way I can make each series cohesive. I don't want to be constantly going back and editing things as I realise a better way of doing it. There will inevitably be some degree of that, but I'll try and minimise it.

The current plan (and it is more fluid than Ulster rain), is to give this six to twelve months. After which I'll either determine myself a hack or organise a studio at home. That said, it is nice to be in an office environment again. To be away from distractions and home obligations for a while. It's so quiet here, even though the buildings' 12 offices are all taken! I haven't spoken a word out loud, to anyone, in almost four hours and it's wonderful. Can you tell I'm an introvert?

Right, time to start collating images for Etsy. This could take me all week!

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